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The Top 10 Happiest Countries
"Everyone wants to be happy, and increasingly, countries around the world are looking at happiness as an indicator of national well-being and considering happiness in policy making. As this year's World Happiness Report states, "Happiness is increasingly considered a proper measure of social progress and a goal of public policy." But what makes people happy, and which countries have the highest le... posted on Jul 08 2015, 70,700 reads


The Radical Power of Humility
"Today I'd like to surface an unpopular virtue. One that's fallen out of favor in a time of selfies and relentless status updates..." In this recent keynote that took his audience by storm, the founder of ServiceSpace makes a compelling case for -- humility. Rich with insight and studded with stories of unassuming heroes ranging from Nelson Mandela to unknown janitors, pilgrim monks and revolutio... posted on Jul 07 2015, 116,663 reads


Lunchbox Letters: A Mom's Handwritten Advice To Her Daughter
What started as a small gesture nearly 11 years ago for guilt-ridden Mom, Stephanie Gould, has quickly become a viral sensation. "I don't necessarily think any of the advice was groundbreaking" shared daughter, Skylar. "I think just because it was coming from someone so close to you, you believe it more." She is referring to the hand-penned notes her mother tucked lovingly into her school lunchbox... posted on Jul 06 2015, 26,127 reads


One Hundred Thank Yous
For a year and a half, artist Lori Portka painted her gratitude through individual pieces of art for 100 people who have made a difference in her life. In her effort to truly live a life of gratitude, Lori learned that gratitude grows, and grows, and grows. "The more that I focused on gratitude, the more I was grateful for." This beautiful film captures Lori's motivation and some of the reactions ... posted on Jul 05 2015, 5,347 reads


Jacob Needleman on Money and the Meaning of Life
How do we bridge the inner realm of spirit with the outer world of material? Writer and philosopher Jerry Needleman has been pondering this question (and many others) for years. Here in a fascinating dialogue he shares his perspectives on "Money and the Meaning of Life."... posted on Jul 04 2015, 6,474 reads


Building a Reading Revolution
As more and more people obsessively stare into their smart phones and tablets, the world seemingly grows a little more disconnected. But the folks at The Reader Organization, an award-winning charity and social enterprise, have gone about reversing that trend by offering to get people together to simply read aloud to each other. The benefits of this straightforward exercise are quite evident: impr... posted on Jul 03 2015, 10,042 reads


The Power of Landspeak
Under pressure, Oxford University Press revealed a list of the entries it no longer felt relevant to a modern-day childhood, including acorn, bluebell, buttercup, dandelion, ivy, lark, and mistletoe. The outdoor and the natural are displaced by the indoor and the virtual -- a small but significant symptom of the simulated life we increasingly live. And what is lost is the power that certain terms ... posted on Jul 02 2015, 7,815 reads


The Cross Road of Should & Must
"When we choose Should, we're choosing to live our life for someone or something other than ourselves. The journey to Should can be smooth, the rewards can seem clear, and the options are often plentiful...Must is different. Must is who we are, what we believe, and what we do when we are alone with our truest, most authentic self. It's that which calls to us most deeply. It's our convictions, our ... posted on Jul 01 2015, 15,513 reads


Saturday In New York With Gitanjali
Gitanjali Babbar is a curious spirit who is gently shaking the world with her selfless service. As the founder of "Kat-Katha" in Delhi, she is bringing community and love to the otherwise bleak existence of sex-trafficked women, their families, and even brothel owners. The community is growing strong and volunteers are pouring in. But, during her recent visit to Manhattan, she told writer Tracy Co... posted on Jun 30 2015, 10,235 reads


How to Transform Stress Into Courage and Connection
"Stress doesn't always lead to fight-or-flight, says Kelly McGonigal. It can also activate brain systems that help us connect with other people." In this article, McGonigal summarizes the social science research that explains how a certain response to stress changes the brain's biochemistry in surprising ways.... posted on Jun 29 2015, 22,110 reads


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Quote Bulletin

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.
Buckminster Fuller

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